
Porte Brown's Vroegh earns CCIFP designation

Porte Brown, an Elk Grove Village-based accounting firm providing accounting, audit, tax, technology and wealth management services, announced Kyle Vroegh, CPA, has earned his CCIFP (Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional) designation.

The CCIFP designation is "the only construction financial management certification accredited by the American National Standards Institute" according to the Institute of Certified Construction Industry

Financial Professionals (ICCIFP).

Vroegh's newly earned certification increases Porte Brown's total number of CCIFP certified professionals to six. Porte Brown's sizable contingent of CCIFP professionals places it on an elite level of CPA firms in the nation that can provide specialized accounting and financial management services to construction companies. Currently, there are over 1,000 CCIFPs in the United States and of that only 35 are located in Illinois.

"We're proud of the time and effort Kyle has put into achieving this designation. It helps distinguish our firm from

others in the industry by arming us with all elements of construction advising for the industry," said managing partner Bruce Jones. "It's a level of industry-specific expertise the average accounting firm simply can't provide, and it's the only one of its kind."

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