
Campton Hills wants resident input

The Village of Campton Hills is embarking on a two-year process to update its Comprehensive Plan.

The Comprehensive Plan is a village policy and planning document that identifies community values, establishes policies and strategy to guide the future development of the community, and provides a coordinated approach to village decision-making regarding land use improvement.

As such, the Comprehensive Plan is one of the primary tools used by the Village of Campton Hills Plan Commission and the village board to make decisions that affect the future of the community.

The focus of the Comprehensive Plan is primarily to establish relatively broad, long-term goals, objectives, policies and implementation recommendations that will provide the framework for ongoing community planning, development, and improvement.

The plan will assess existing conditions and trends, and provide recommendations for the use and development of land, the extension and improvement of transportation services and infrastructure, the development of the village’s economic base, historic preservation and natural resources, including agricultural land, water resources, natural areas and green infrastructure.

There will be a number of opportunities throughout this process for you to participate in the development of the Comprehensive Plan. The first of these opportunities, a community kick-off meeting, will take place during the next two months. However, to get the process rolling, we are interested in hearing from you about your vision, thoughts, and ideas concerning the future of Campton Hills by taking a short survey found on the village website.

Complete the survey on-line or print it out and mail it or fax it to the village at 40W115 Campton Crossings Drive, Unit B, Campton Hills, IL 60175, or (630) 584-5775. Respond by March 20.

The survey can be found at